Tele Health

Tele Health

We are in the midst of a pandemic, and it has already taken the healthcare system by storm. The people are asked to adopt healthier habits than ever. In such crucial times, telemedicine is no less than a blessing in disguise.

In an era where we all are requested to follow social distancing, telemedicine has turned out to bridge the gap between people, doctors, physicians, and most importantly the health care systems.

Telemedicine (or telehealth), is defined by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) as the use of technology to provide and support healthcare at a distance. What that truly means can range widely.

In simpler terms, telemedicine is a new-age approach that helps the health service providers to communicate important means of information via telecommunication technology. This practice is widely followed since time immemorial and involves the doctors to care and advice the patients in crucial times.

Telemedicine call also be used for other, less serious health issues, like getting a diagnosis or quick prescription when you think you have a minor problem or when you don't have time or the ability to seek care at an office.


Telehealth- A modern approach to combating avoidable health issues

Telemedicine or telehealth is a practice that allows us to deliver and communicate physiotherapy steps, self-management programs as well as advice to our patients in the time of the need, and especially when they cannot visit our clinics. The name conjures this practice to be followed via a means of telephonic communication.


Telehealth has been recognized by the World Health Organisation as:

“The delivery of health care services, where distance is a critical factor, by all health care professionals using information and communication technologies for the exchange of valid information for diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease and injuries” (Lee et al 2018).

How adopting this approach can be beneficial?

It has been observed that this method of practice has helped innumerable patients as well as physicians alike to bridge the gap of communication, delays in appointments, increase in distance or times when the patient or physicians due to some unforeseeable conditions fail to check on the patient.


1. Telemedicine increases access to care-
Do you have some doubts regarding the current medication procedure? Or want to know the correct posture? But, distance and time seem to be a likely restraint? Fret not, telemedicine overcomes the geographical barriers to health care, especially for specialized providers. Telemedicine can be particularly beneficial for patients in medically underserved communities and those in rural geographical locations where clinician shortages exist.


2. Telemedicine improves the quality of care delivery
Telemedicine can improve the quality of care for patients with both medical and mental health conditions. A recent study showed that with telemedicine, patients had fewer-
38% of hospital admissions
31% hospital re-admissions
63% more likely to spend fewer days in the hospital
Were more engaged in their healthcare


3. Telemedicine reduces healthcare costs
Telemedicine can increase the efficiency of care delivery, reduce expenses of caring for patients or transporting to another location, and can even keep patients out of the hospital. In fact, one study showed that telemedicine care had 19 percent savings over inpatient care costs.


4. Telemedicine enhances traditional face-to-face medicine
A strong doctor-patient relationship is the foundation for high-quality patient care and reducing health care costs. Telemedicine should support, not replace, traditional care delivery. With telemedicine care providers can continue to care for patients in-person care while still providing the flexibility and convenience of seeing patients remotely for follow up visits, check-ups, and education when appropriate or necessary.


5. Telemedicine improves patient engagement and satisfaction
Telemedicine makes it easier and more convenient for patients to stay healthy and engaged in their health care. Patients love the convenience, flexibility, and real-time care with their providers.


6. Telemedicine improves provider satisfaction
Being a healthcare provider today can be challenging and stressful at times. Telemedicine can improve job satisfaction by making it easier to meet with patients. Providers can use telemedicine to make it easier to balance their work and family life. If you are intrigued to know more than read Dr. Shaya’s blog post about increasing her job satisfaction with telemedicine.

What do I need to participate?

An internet-mediated device can further be a tablet, phone, or computer. You can provide us with your email Id through which we can send the link of the session to you.

Consultation Fees -Rs 500/-